Tuesday, 18th February 2025

Welcome to our Web site!

"Knowledge is Everything... Experience is the Future!"

Welcome to our company portal. Here you can access to some information about POINT. You can have an idea about our activities, services and products. Please do contact us for more and specific information related to our services which may be of your requirement or interest.

POINT is operating in two main activity fields:

- Engineering Works and Services

- ICT & Project Administration

Engineering & Implementation

Engineering is the core business field of POINT since the activities had started. Company operates in different fields; design, build and design-build projects have been realised all in Turkey, CIS countries and in Russian Federation.

ICT & Project Administration

ICT based projects, applications and solutions together with need and supply models have been developed for overcoming employment problems of disabled and disadvantaged people as well as SME’s and adults from various disciplines, since 1999, when first virtual employment portal SVAClub.com was introduced to the audience.