Tuesday, 18th February 2025

POINT's e-Learning Activities

We are collecting all our former and continuing efforts targeting adult e-Training in various vocational fields and making them available to those who are really in need of such useful online e-Training. Our aim is to make the available material more orginised for people's exploitation.

Our platform is based on open source infrastructure Moodle, which is almost being the world standard in e-Learning. In our platform, one can find various e-Learning material targeting adult people vocational e-Training. All available material directly oriented to individuals' employment and their real preparation for the work which the e-Training targets.

Registration is compulsory for accessing most of the available e-Training material.

As we also currently develop many e-Learning material and also adopt as well as utilise them in our e-Training Portal, we do exploit number of e-Learning development assistant open source or commercial software, mostly advised through Moodle:

Basics of e-Learning terminology & SCORM and compatible software:

Some e-İearning packages development software we use and/or advise:

Some e-İearning software we use and/or advise:

Some reference e-Learning platforms we refer: