Monday, 13th May 2024



TourEast – Training of Unemployed Middle Age Women for Employability in Tourism Sector The idea of the project TourEast is the collaboration of partners from regions where the tourist industry is more developed with partners from regions where this branch is on its way towards becoming one of the most important sectors with a big market potential.


There are many middle-aged women who lost their job and have got big problems to find a job. They are experienced, hard working and precise, they have a sense for details and are also skilled in organising matters. They live mainly in regions afflicted by restructuralisation and they are among the most disadvantaged groups of unemployed people. Yet these women can very well use their work experience, working habits and features for new work, especially in the tourism branch.


These middle-aged women are being trained via informal learning (e-course) in some skills they already have, but they also develop them even further: communication, negotiation, presentation. They are also learning about the marketing and various services.